
Monday, November 26, 2012

Electric Flux

 Electric flux over an area in an electric field represents the total number of field lines crossing this area.

The number of field lines crossing a unit area, placed normal to the field at a point is a measure of the strength of electric field at that point.

If we place a small planar element of area ΔS normal to E at a point, the number of field lines crossing it is proportional to E ΔS.

If we tilt the area element by angle θ, the number of field lines crossing the area element will be smaller. The projection of the area element normal to E is ΔS cosθ.

Thus, the number of field lines crossing ΔS is proportional to E ΔS cosθ. Hence


  1. Electric flux is a scaler or vector quantity?
    2 marks

  2. Since Electric flux is a dot-product of two vector quantities ( Electric field & surface area) , its a scalar quantity.

  3. Thank, my friend. It's a good post about electric flux. It's really helpful. But if you provide some examples or problems then it'll be a better post.

  4. The total number of electric lines of force that cut through a given surface area held perpendicular to the direction of electric lines of force is called electric flux.
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