
Monday, November 19, 2012

Good Study Practices for Board Students

You can always develop great study habits.If you are preparing for your board examination this year. below is guide to develop a good study practice which will yield good results for you.

1. Write Down Your own Notes
The most logical place to write down your notes is in a planner ( Note book), but you might prefer to keep a to-do list in a simple notebook. It doesn't really matter what tool you use, but it is absolutely essential to your success to write down every single notes for each topic. 

2. Remember to Carry your Notes to School 
You always feel bad when you forget your notes at home. Notes which you made are easy to understand and a great guide to communicate with your teacher. You can always refer to your notes to ask any question or doubt. To avoid forgetting your homework, you must establish a strong homework routine with a special homework station where you work each night. Then you must get in the habit of putting your notes where it belongs right after you finish it, whether this is in a special folder on your desk or in your backpack/school bag. 

3. Discuss With Your Teacher/Tutor 
If you communicate with your teacher clearly on any topic, it builds up good image for you. A student-teacher relationship is no different. Miscommunication is another one of those factors that can cause bad grades, despite good efforts on your part. Be sure to ask questions and find out what format you should use when you write a paper or what type of questions might appear on your exam. The more questions you ask, the more prepared you'll be.

4. Make Notes With different Colors
Always try to make your notes with different colors. You may use different color for heading and different color for making rest of the notes. You should always keep several colors of sticky flags on hand when you're reading a book for school. Assign a specific color the every topic of interest. Place a flag on a page containing information you will need to study or to cite. It works like magic

5. Your Own Study Place at Home
Find a place to study that fits your specific personality and learning style. Then stock your study space with school supplies that will help you avoid last-minute emergencies.

6. Know Your Own Learning Style 
Many students will struggle in a subject without understanding why. Sometimes this is because students don't understand how to study in a way that matches their brain style. Auditory learners are those who learn best through hearing things. Visual learners retain more information when they use visual aids, and tactile learners benefit by doing hands-on projects. Every student should examine and evaluate their habits and their natural tendencies and decide how they might be able to improve their study habits by tapping into their personal strengths.

7. Avoid Procrastination 
Never procrastinate as this is one of the dangerous thing for you final results If you delay making your notes or home work, it will be a huge task at the end of the year. When you put things off a lot, you end up putting things off until it's too late from time to time. It's that simple. When you procrastinate, you take the chance that nothing will go wrong at the last minute--but in the real world, things do go wrong.

8. Take Care of Yourself
Some of your personal habits might be affecting your grades. Are you feeling tired or bored when it comes to homework time. You can change your grades by practicing a few healthy homework habits. Change the way you feel by taking better care of your mind andyour body.

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